System Redesign

An educator reflects on collective leadership using an anchor chart paper and colorful markers.

Prioritizing Teacher Agency: A Tool for School Improvement

Educators stand in a room collaborating on how to use collective leadership for school improvement

Doing More With Less: Preparing for the ESSER Funding Cliff

Three women are huddled around a table outlining their their school improvement journey using markers and anchor chart paper.

3 Reflections to Lead School Improvement Planning

Image of a woman adjusting sticky notes on a white board

Planning for Shifts: 3 Approaches as ESSER Ends

Educators stand in a room collaborating on how to use collective leadership for school improvement

Coaching to Identify Problems

Front page of the Mira Education 2023 Annual REport

2023 End of Year Report

Educators stand in a room collaborating on how to use collective leadership for school improvement

3 Takeaways from Learning Forward’s Annual Conference

I Remember, I Believe: One Teacher’s Networking Journey

Micro-credentials and Education Policy in the United States: Recognizing Learning and Leadership for Our Nation’s Teachers